Divorce Support Groups in North Carolina
Divorce Support Groups in North Carolina
Women's Center of Wake County
http://www.wcwc.org/Located in Raleigh, the Women's Center of Wake County offers services in three categories- basic needs services, supportive services, and housing services. The supportive services include domestic law legal clinics, an attorney hotline, and crisis counseling.
Compass Center for Women and Families
The mission of The Compass Center for Women and Families is to support
Triangle area women in achieving their personal and professional goals
through information, education, referral and support services.
The Women's Center
210 Henderson Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Connie Carringer
Support Group Coordinator
Tel: 919.9299872
Fax: 919.932.3125
Divorce Care
http://www.divorcecare.com/Enter your zip code on this website to find divorce support groups meeting in your area.
United Way
http://www.unitedwaytriangle.org/get-help/The United Way provides an information and referral service. By dialing extension 211, you will be given the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of various organizations within the greater Triangle area that can provide support for your specific needs. You can learn more about 211 and the types of organizations the Triangle United Way supports on their website.
Triangle United Way
PO Box 110387
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Tel: 919.480.8687
Various Churches
Many local churches have organized support groups and services for individuals who are divorcing or divorced. You are encouraged to look on your local church's website or call them for information.
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